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Sunday, April 19, 2009

PolishguyPodcast 4-18-09

The link is still imbedded in the title, but you may have to wait a bit for the file to download before you can listen. I may be changing hosting sites since the one I use has changed what it does. Unfortunately, they seem to have discontinued use of the handy, dandy one-click player.

Topics this week:
1. Early thoughts on the baseball season.
2. NFL Draft with Hack.
3. Model American of the Week.

MP3 Link:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

PolishguyPodcast #4: 4-7-09

This week's topics:

1. Baseball Opening Day Thoughts
2. The NFL and DirecTV
3. Baseball's All-Star Game
4. Jay Cutler Deal, Talk with Blots (OUR SECOND GUEST!!)
5. Model American of the Week (with special guest Model American)

Mp3 Link: